Talk freely at the Happy Cafe aka

Cafe Creme, 9 High Street, Penistone

every Tuesday 6pm to 7.30pm

The Happy Café has an aim is to spread happiness and joy – and help each other find ways to live our best possible life, whatever that might mean to you.

When is it?

The Happy Cafe, part of a nationwide network, is at Cafe Crème in Penistone every Tuesday evening from 6pm – 7.30pm.

Check out their facebook page for upcoming events.

Different people will have different experiences of talking therapies, but they all aim to:

give you a safe time and place with someone who won’t judge you
help you make sense of things and understand yourself better
help you resolve complicated feelings, or find ways to live with them
help you communicate and express yourself, which might include feelings or experiences you find hard to put into words.


For more information, call Karen on 01226 766118 or email [email protected]